Well Woman Exams Q & A

What happens during a well-woman exam?

A well-woman exam is your dedicated time with your OB/GYN where you get the opportunity to discuss concerns about your health and undergo comprehensive preventive screenings. After sitting and having a talk with you and reading over your medical records, your OB/GYN lets you know which tests you may need.

Some of the most common components of a well-woman exam include:

  • Breast exam, pelvic exam, or Pap smear (generally after age 21)
  • Body mass index (BMI) calculation using your height and weight
  • Family planning counseling or getting started on birth control
  • Laboratory testing, such as a urinalysis or blood draw
  • Referral for mammograms
  • Referral for colonoscopy
  • Evaluation of medications
  • Cancer Screening Tests (BRCA 1/2 Analysis and Hereditary Cancer Panel)

For adolescents, a well-woman exam often includes counseling about menstruation and sexual health.

Alternatively, if you’re nearing menopause — or are already postmenopausal — your OB/GYN can talk with you about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bone density screenings to keep your health on track.

How often do I need a well-woman exam?

The women’s health experts at Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology generally encourage you to schedule well-woman exams around the same time every year. If you have a young daughter, she should have her first well-woman exam right around age 13-15, anytime she starts experiencing menstrual issues, or becomes sexually active.

Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology also offers comprehensive “Healthy You!” wellness visits, which are annual exams covered under Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi. The Healthy You! exam incorporates expanded screenings to help further maintain and improve your health.

How do I prepare for a well-woman exam?

To ensure you get the most out of your exam at Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology, you should make a list of any health concerns or questions you may have. For instance, if you’d like to start birth control or switch to a different variety, write down this information, so you remember to talk with your OB/GYN about your options.

If you’re new to Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology, it’s beneficial to transfer your medical records from your previous OB/GYN or primary care physician. It’s also helpful to have a current list of all of your prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, as well as the dosages you take.

Lastly, if you’re due for a Pap smear, try not to schedule your well-woman exam while you’re on your period. Menstrual flow can sometimes alter your Pap results.

Click on the online scheduler to book your well-woman exam at Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology today. You can also call to speak with a team member directly.